Hybridity – Premiere and Streaming for Producers

Two types of movement, radically different in their culture and concepts, merge in the new project Hybridity of Swiss Choreographer Rafäele Giovanola and her ensemble, CocoonDance Company: Thai boxing (Muay Thai), which in its present form has been practiced for centuries in Thailand, and the romantic ballet, as conceived by the Russian choreographer Michail Fokine (*1880-1908).

Concerning the latter, Giovanola and her ensemble are mainly interested in the ballet Les Sylphides. It can be seen as an homage to the romantic ballet, but also as an attempt to deconstruct it and as the beginning of a continuous questioning of technique and tradition, style and staging of this art.

Thus Les Sylphides can be seen as a kind of meta-ballet that raises fascinating questions and offers interesting suggestions for the current project.

Premiere Germany: 18.09.2020 Ringlokkschuppen, Mülheim

further shows: 19.09.2020
and 30.10. – 02.11.2020 Theater im Ballsaal, Bonn

Premiere Switzerland: 23.09.2020 Theatre de Crochetan, Monthey

further shows: 24.-26.09.2020

Live Streaming for producers: 26.09.2020 and 01.10.2020 – Registration only (info@nullgroundworkers.at)

A cooperation with Ringlokschuppen Ruhr Mülheim, Théâ-
tre du Crochetan Monthey, Malévoz Quartier Culturel,
Hessisches Staatsballett/ Staatstheater Wiesbaden,
Theater im Ballsaal Bonn
Supported by Pro Helvetia, ThéâtrePro Valais,
Loterie Suisse Romande, Conseil de la Culture État du Valais,
Fonds Darstellende Künste, Ministerium für Kultur und
Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, NRW
Landesbüro Darstellende Künste e.V., RheinEnergieStiftung
Kultur, Bundesstadt Bonn.