My body, your pleasure: a relationship on shaky ground. Between us, not only: my restrictions, your restrictions, physical, affective; rather: Between us, also: the logic of the capitalist exchange of commodities, the wish to make a good deal, and their respective aesthetics, the promise through appearance, appeal, optical, acoustic, and, last but not least, performative.

And now? If we can escape neither our restrictions in regard to material and immaterial virtuosity, nor capitalism with its aesthetics of consumption, maybe we should use the transformative power of both and put together a possibly stuttering, but all the more subversive remix. Because capitalism also has something good: it detaches us from our traditional bonds and makes it possible, in principle, to connect everything anew: Jamaican dancehall culture, queer rap, disabled corporality, ghetto-aesthetics…. We focus, in our almost childish play, on a polymorphic pleasure, that might be precarious, but is not necessarily bound to any specific place, form, body or body part. We do this by resisting the compositional, dancing, affective virtuosity, by putting all the above-mentioned side by side and thus creating, not so much a symphony, but a kind of choreographic YouTube playlist. So, let us dance a heartfelt “fuck you” towards the modern fetish of the form; let us state the tenderness of the raw; let us deterritorialise the sex-appeal of shaking.


concept / artistic direction Michael Turinsky
choreography / performance Alja Ferjan, Leon Maric, Raphael Michon, Manaho Shimokawa and Michael Turinsky
stage Lena Winkler-Hermaden
light Veronika Mayerböck
costume Hanna Hollmann
production management Angela Vadori //
production Verein für Philosophische Praxis

supported by MA 7 Kultur, SOL, produced in cooperation with MAD